- Published: Monday, July 02, 2018 04:30 PM
STICKNEY – Senator Martin A. Sandoval (D-Chicago) announced the Stickney-Forest View Public Library will receive a grant from Secretary of State Jesse White’s office for the digital preservation of local history.
Sandoval said the Stickney-Forest View Library will receive $7,520 for the “Stickney Area Local History Initiative.”
“Preserving local history in a rapidly globalizing world is vitally important,” Sandoval said. “I am happy to announce this grant to assist the library in this process.”
Jesse White, the Secretary of State and State Librarian, announced that the Illinois State Library has awarded grants to 15 academic, public and special libraries totaling $555,305 to carry out projects involving the selection, digital capture and storage of important historical and cultural collections.
In addition, the collections will be accessible through the Illinois Digital Archives database maintained by the State Library.
“I am pleased to be able to award these grants in an effort to increase access to significant collections about Illinois’ historical and cultural importance,” White said. “Documents degrade over time. By preserving these materials, future generations will be able to connect past and present.”
Information concerning the Illinois History-Digital Imaging Grant Program can be found at cyberdriveillinois.com/departments/library/grants/il-history-digital-imaging.html.