Senator Sandoval appoints Jose Rojas to serve as "New Media Liaison" for the 11th senate district. Jose is a graduate of Morton East High School and the Academy of Art in Chicago, were he earned his Bachelor of Fine Arts. Rojas is a life long resident of Cicero.

sandoval-pharmacistsState Senator Martin Sandoval (D-Chicago) welcomed pharmacy students from across the state to Springfield on Wednesday.

“This was a great opportunity for the students to see how legislation pertaining to their field is developed,” said Sandoval. 

During their visit, the students were also advocating for Senate Bill 3513, which would allow patients starting at seven years of age to be vaccinated by pharmacists, instead of the current 14 years of age.

Office Info

Springfield Office:
Senator 12th District
111 Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706

District Office:
5807 W. 35th Street
Cicero, IL 60804