- Published: Tuesday, October 01, 2013 06:00 AM
State Senator Martin Sandoval (D-Chicago) stopped at a local clinic to speak with health care specialists on the southwest side of Chicago about the Affordable Care Act.
“Health care for all should remain a guarantee for all working families in Illinois,” said Senator Sandoval.
In March of 2010, the Affordable Care Act was signed into US law. This federal law focuses on consumer choices and protections and makes it easier and more affordable for individuals, families and small businesses to find and enroll in health insurance, even if they have not had coverage in the past.
Several protections in the laws have already gone into effect: small business tax credits, elimination of lifetime dollar limits, coverage for children with pre-existing conditions, coverage for certain preventive services and review of premium increases.
“Under the Affordable Care Act, almost everyone will be required to have health insurance in 2014,” said Senator Sandoval. “The federal Health Insurance Marketplace, where you can shop online at healthcare.gov for the best policy to fit your needs in 2014, opens October 1.”
Illinois consumers can shop for health coverage on the Illinois Health Insurance Marketplace, run in partnership between the state and
federal governments. Consumers can apply for coverage on the Marketplace online, by phone or through a paper application.